Your new painting is beautiful and we do need a little fairy dust over the city to make people realize what is important and to "lighten up"!
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Linda Miller Eubank
I am happy and proud to see your painting made it to the front cover. I think your theme of indecision on which party to choose resonates with most Montrealers. I feel the same way but hope to be inspired before the end of the day.
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
I would be thrilled and honoured to meet with you, and to see the painting which has so captivated me albeit from such a weak medium as newsprint.
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Linda Stodola
I recognized your angel in the rolled up Gazette before I even took the rubber band off my paper! Congratulations on the picture and the write up!
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
I like how she can incorporate what is happening around her into her art. It chronicles current events. I think that it is superb.
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
M. Crooks
I finally went out and was so proud to see your painting reproduced in the Gazette!! You well deserve the recognition...
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Well now, aren't you the one ! You were the talk of the tennis club this morning, when one of the ladies brought a Gazette in with her. I recognised the painting straight away and then everyone wanted to look and read the article. Your ears must have been burning this morning. Wonderful painting.
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
J. Trayhern
First of all - let me tell you how beautiful you look in the Montreal Gazette photo. The article is a representation of the authentic Cheryl that I have grown to admire, respect and adore.You look fabulous - I told you in person and I will keep on telling you ...
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Kathryn Kalvatrinos
I was so excited to see your painting on the front page of the Gazette. I
recognized it right away and yelled out hey that's Cheryl !!It is a beautiful painting!
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
L. Deley
Congratulations! What a great painting to have to wake up to today on this most important day in this Province in years. "Magic over Montreal" 's meaning to me today is that this is the City where great things happen and should happen. province w
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Lyna Boushel
Great picture! Says it all! How wonderful you hit the front page with your beautiful painting. Well deserved!
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Mary & Ron
How lovely to see your painting on the front of the Gazette this morning! I hope your 'fairy dust' works for us on this election day.....
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Janet Ankcorn
Cheryl you look so beautiful!!!
so happy to read this.
hope that you are well.
best and always,
Oct. 9, 2012 By:
Currim Suteria
I was up really early this morning as I had to go downtown. What a lovely surprise to see your painting on the cover of the Gazette.
Oct. 9, 2012 By: